Trendy Healthy Aging & Health Control Of Diabetes In Old People

Control Of Diabetes In Old People

Seniors are faced with many health problems and are at risk of developing diabetes if they don’t take the right steps to prevent it. Though a lot of attention is focused on younger people, seniors also need to be aware of their body’s ability to handle glucose. Here are some tips to keep diabetes at bay.

1. Exercise regularly and be physically active

Exercise is the easiest way to manage blood glucose. Not only will it help lower blood glucose, it also keeps seniors healthy and fit. The doctor should be able to tell you what kind of exercise is suitable for your overall health condition.

2. Eat well

Diabetes can’t be cured, but it can be controlled by following a healthy diet. A diet that’s rich in fruits and vegetables will keep the sugar levels balanced since they have less sugar than a meal made from refined carbohydrate foods. When buying fruits, buy organic since they have fewer pesticide residues on them.

3. Watch your weight

Senior citizens tend to gain weight as they age and this can lead to increased insulin levels in the body, which increases the risk of developing diabetes. Dieting isn’t recommended for seniors since it may result in malnutrition and other health problems. Instead, a senior should exercise regularly to lose weight and keep it off. Weight loss will lower elevated blood sugar levels in the body, helping a senior avoid diabetes.

4. Read food labels

Since a lot of people are misinformed about diabetes, they continue to buy and consume unhealthy food, thinking that it will help them manage their sugar levels. Instead of buying foods that contain sugar, a senior citizen should read the label before buying or consuming anything.

With a little effort and determination, seniors can avoid getting diabetes. Although it’s not easy to control the condition, it can be done. The tips mentioned above are effective in lowering blood sugar levels and preventing diabetes.